Dr. Michael Nixon-Livy

Tom Bowen

Major Bertrand DeJarnette
NST Spinal Integration was developed by Dr. Michael Nixon-Livy from Melbourne, Australia between 1991-2005.
Throughout a five year stint as a professional athlete in the late 1970’s to early 1980’s Nixon-Livy was amazed by the effectiveness that certain chiropractic and osteopathic approaches had to keep him in peak competitive condition.
Consequently in the mid 1980’s he sought to develop a system that moved away from the traditional manipulation of bones to a more soft tissue spinal integration approach.
By the mid 1985 he had commenced clinical practice in Central Victoria, and in the late 1980’s discovered the Osteopathic work of Tom Bowen from Geelong that would ultimately contribute largely to the development of NST.
In the early 1990’s while working at the prestigious Kinesiology House in Melbourne he studied the chiropractic work of Major Bertrand DeJarnette (Sacro Occipital Technique) and using Advanced Kinesiology was able to de-construct both the work of Bowen and DeJarnette and then strategically blend their complementary components into an exceptional and dynamic osteo-spinal system that he called NST (Neurostructural Integration Technique)
NST was officially launched onto the global therapeutic scene in 1996 at the CFK Kinesiology and Osteopathy college in Aix en Provence, France from where it migrated into several other European countries, USA, Canada, Australia and Russia and continues to enjoy tremendous popularity with Osteopaths, Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Sports and manual therapists alike.