Are you interested in learning NST but unable to attend our seminars? No problem! We understand that not everyone can join our in-person events, so we’ve made it easier for you to gain expertise in Neurostructural Integration Technique (NST) through our comprehensive home study courses.

Why Choose NST Home Study Courses?

Our home study courses offer the same high-quality training as our seminars, allowing you to learn at your own pace, in the comfort of your home. You’ll receive all the essential materials and support needed to become proficient in NST.

Featured Home Study Courses

Osteospinal OS – Home Study Course

The NST Osteospinal OS – Home Study Course is designed around our renownedoperating system‘, a dynamic approach that integrates the lumbar, thoracic, and cervical spines to achieve a balanced and pain-free body. This course covers:

  • The Dynamic Body Balance, the core component of the operating system.
  • Twelve interfacing procedures grouped into five logical categories: Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity, Thoracic, Central Base, and Cranial.
  • Applications for various conditions including back pain, neck pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, TMJ, headaches, digestive disorders, and more.

Most cases see significant improvement within 1-5 sessions using the NST Osteospinal Operating System.

OS Advanced – Home Study Course

Building on the foundation of the Osteospinal OS Course, the OS Advanced Home Study Course enhances your skills, making the operating system quicker, more adaptable, and more powerful. This course includes:

  • New mini-protocols and clinical tricks for the neck, shoulders, back, legs, eyes, cranium, and more.
  • Advanced procedures for chronic conditions such as neurological, degenerative, inflammatory, auto-immune, and complex structural cases.
  • Formal procedures for the shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, feet, hips, coccyx, central base, scoliosis, epilepsy, TMJ, eyes, and cranium.

Practitioners who complete the OS Advanced Home Study Course can expect to achieve better results in shorter time frames, with most cases significantly improving within 1-3 sessions.

Why Enroll in Home Study Courses?

  • Flexibility: Study at your own pace and schedule.
  • Comprehensive Learning: Access detailed instructional materials and support.
  • Cost-Effective: Save on travel and accommodation expenses.
  • Accreditation: Upon completion, you’ll be listed on the NST website as an Advanced Practitioner or AP.

Join the Global Community of NST Practitioners

Our home study courses are ideal for professionals looking to expand their skills and offer effective solutions to their patients. With approximately 5,500 NST practitioners worldwide, you’ll be joining a community dedicated to improving health and well-being through advanced techniques.

Start Your Journey Today!

Don’t let distance be a barrier to learning. Enroll in our home study courses and start transforming lives with NST. Visit our website for more information and to register:

Learn NST from home and become part of the future of healthcare.


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