Home Study Courses

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The OS Advanced Home Study Course (Operating System Advanced) is the next natural step in NST training, following on directly from the Osteospinal OS  Home Study Course, and has been specifically designed to ‘Advance’ the Osteospinal Operating System, making it quicker, more adaptable and more powerful.

A myriad of new mini-protocols and clinical tricks that are quick to apply, adding instant potency, specificity and variety, to literally ‘expand and potentise’ the Osteospinal Operating System. There are mini protocols for the neck, shoulders, back, legs, eyes, cranium and more!

Most significantly, in addition to the new highly popular mini-protocols, there are also several deeper more Advanced procedures, that are especially suited to the more chronic conditions such as neurological, degenerative, inflammatory, auto-immune and complex structural cases.

Formal procedures for the shoulders, elbow and wrist, hands, feet, hips, coccyx, central base, scoliosis, epilepsy, TMJ, eyes and the cranium will be taught.

The OS Advanced Home Study Course follows a tried and proven formula using targeted goals, namely Refinement, Adaptation and Potentization to collectively transport the practitioner onto a whole new plane of NST professional practice.

On completion of the OS Advanced Home Study Course practitioners will view presenting conditions differently, assess their patients differently and practice differently, consequently delivering better results, in shorter time frames, with better sustainability of corrections.

Most presenting cases will be resolved or significantly improved, within 1-3 sessions by adding the protocols and procedures from the
OS Advanced Home Study Course.

On completion of the OS Advanced seminar practitioners will be listed on the NST website as an Advanced Practitioner or AP.

FULL PRICE - €1350

Price includes all course materials, shipping and assessment


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