
The NST Osteospinal OS – Home Study course is based upon NST’s world renowned ‘operating system’ which is the platform from which the whole NST system is launched.

The core component of the ‘operating system’ is the Dynamic Body Balance designed to integrate Lumbar, Thoracic and Cervical spines.



The NST Osteospinal OS – Home Study course is based upon NST’s world renowned ‘operating system’ which is the platform from which the whole NST system is launched.

The core component of the ‘operating system’ is the Dynamic Body Balance designed to integrate Lumbar, Thoracic and Cervical spines.

The ‘operating system’ also contains a further twelve interfacing procedures that dovetail into the Dynamic Body Balance creating fully integrated Osteospinal operating system.

The twelve interfacing procedures belong to a section of the ‘operating system’ called the ‘Categories’ wherein twelve procedures are grouped into five logical categories as follows.

  • Upper Extremity > Shoulder and Elbow & Wrist procedures
  • Lower Extremity > Hamstring, Knee and Ankle procedures
  • Thoracic > Lung, Breast and Heart procedures
  • Central Base > Sacrum, Coccyx and Pelvic procedures
  • Cranial > Temporomandibular Joint – TMJ procedure

The NST Osteospinal ‘operating system’ can be successfully applied to a myriad of structural and health conditions including back pain, neck pain, conditions of the articulations, arthritis, fibromyalgia, sporting injuries, neurological conditions, TMJ and cranial conditions, headaches, digestive disorders, menstrual disorders chronic fatigue, emotional depression and much more.

Most presenting cases will be resolved or significantly improved, within 1-5 sessions using the NST Osteospinal Operating System.